El transistor#

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El transistor amb emissor comú#

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 <iframe src="https://www.falstad.com/circuit/circuitjs.html?ctz=CQAgDOB0YzCsICMZIDYDMAWATKg7HOgJwAciqclIm6I2IcEcApgLSKIBQie9rcietjAkQ-TJjojwIPHQYyIKBACEAhgGdmIAGoB7ADYAXNQHNmnAO5j0wutkmtbEbLyRWbdxET7OkE9x5fO1RHP1sZOQQEJSgEAGFDA2YAYyM9ACddQxNzTlNPFzcnO2wSUSVOIxtUUWFREpdpCEQxREgSIjgiMHxETF5BsFoUTu7evEQSbrhMUiQYEA0ABwBLFLYAE2YAMzUAV2MPVhohaSdaqVEuLP5BK7FTh5bYTlu-UML-SSbOZbFsA4kKgIKxAZIHBARuBjuC6JhQXDXPQwLCgcivhjUdYwUDyIi8QFsQDCWEvES-mIBGcGtS6HBUCBocS7kIGVT7ljjnSMY06G5UUA" width="800" height="600"></iframe>
import pandas as pd
dades = pd.read_csv('data/Control/q1.csv')
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Vb Vc Ib Ic
0 0.0 5.000000 4.900000e-12 9.900000e-12
1 0.1 5.000000 4.900000e-12 9.900000e-12
2 0.2 5.000000 4.800000e-12 1.000000e-11
3 0.3 5.000000 4.600000e-12 2.060000e-11
4 0.4 5.000000 6.000000e-13 5.300000e-10
5 0.5 5.000000 2.440000e-10 2.490000e-08
6 0.6 5.000000 1.190000e-08 1.200000e-06
7 0.7 4.999000 5.549000e-07 5.550000e-05
8 0.8 4.970000 1.510000e-05 1.500000e-03
9 0.9 4.852000 7.400000e-05 7.400000e-03
10 1.0 4.690000 1.549000e-04 1.550000e-02
11 1.1 4.514000 2.432000e-04 2.430000e-02
12 1.2 4.330000 3.349000e-04 3.350000e-02
13 1.3 4.143000 4.286000e-04 4.290000e-02
14 1.4 3.953000 5.234000e-04 5.230000e-02
15 1.5 3.762000 6.191000e-04 6.190000e-02
16 1.6 3.569000 7.153000e-04 7.150000e-02
17 1.7 3.376000 8.120000e-04 8.120000e-02
18 1.8 3.182000 9.091000e-04 9.090000e-02
19 1.9 2.987000 1.000000e-03 1.006000e-01
20 2.0 2.792000 1.100000e-03 1.104000e-01
21 2.1 2.596000 1.200000e-03 1.202000e-01
22 2.2 2.400000 1.300000e-03 1.300000e-01
23 2.3 2.204000 1.400000e-03 1.398000e-01
24 2.4 2.008000 1.500000e-03 1.496000e-01
25 2.5 1.811000 1.600000e-03 1.595000e-01
26 2.6 1.614000 1.700000e-03 1.693000e-01
27 2.7 1.417000 1.800000e-03 1.792000e-01
28 2.8 1.220000 1.900000e-03 1.890000e-01
29 2.9 1.022000 2.000000e-03 1.989000e-01
30 3.0 0.824765 2.100000e-03 2.088000e-01
31 3.1 0.627158 2.200000e-03 2.186000e-01
32 3.2 0.429473 2.300000e-03 2.285000e-01
33 3.3 0.255856 2.400000e-03 2.372000e-01
34 3.4 0.205486 2.500000e-03 2.397000e-01
35 3.5 0.187098 2.600000e-03 2.406000e-01
36 3.6 0.176139 2.700000e-03 2.412000e-01
37 3.7 0.168376 2.800000e-03 2.416000e-01
38 3.8 0.162379 2.900000e-03 2.419000e-01
39 3.9 0.157500 3.000000e-03 2.421000e-01
40 4.0 0.153392 3.100000e-03 2.423000e-01
41 4.1 0.149845 3.200000e-03 2.425000e-01
42 4.2 0.146727 3.300000e-03 2.427000e-01
43 4.3 0.143946 3.400000e-03 2.428000e-01
44 4.4 0.141437 3.500000e-03 2.429000e-01
45 4.5 0.139151 3.600000e-03 2.430000e-01
46 4.6 0.137054 3.700000e-03 2.431000e-01
47 4.7 0.135116 3.800000e-03 2.432000e-01
48 4.8 0.133316 3.900000e-03 2.433000e-01
49 4.9 0.131634 4.000000e-03 2.434000e-01
50 5.0 0.130058 4.100000e-03 2.435000e-01
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%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

%matplotlib inline                               
plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (16,7)           # determines the dimensions (size of the figure)
fig = plt.figure()
plt.plot(Vb, Ic)
plt.xlabel('$V_B \ [V]$')
plt.ylabel('$I_c \ [A]$')
plt.text(0.1,0.2,'Zona de tall')
plt.axvline(x=0.80, color='red')
plt.text(1.9,0.2,'Zona activa')
plt.axvline(x=3.3, color='red')
plt.text(4,0.2,'Zona de saturació')

El transistor en zona activa. Electrònica analògica#

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%matplotlib inline                               
plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (16,7)           # determines the dimensions (size of the figure)
fig = plt.figure()
plt.plot(Ib, Ic)
plt.xlabel('$I_B \ [mA]$')
plt.ylabel('$I_C \ [A]$')
#plt.text(0.1,3.5,'Zona de tall')
#plt.axvline(x=0.80, color='red')
plt.text(0.7,0.2,'Zona activa')
plt.axvline(x=2.4, color='red')
plt.text(3,0.2,'Zona de saturació')

El transistor en tall / saturació. Electrònica digital#

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%matplotlib inline  
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (16,7)           # determines the dimensions (size of the figure)
fig = plt.figure()
plt.plot(Vb, Vc)
plt.xlabel('$V_B \ [V]$')
plt.ylabel('$V_c \ [V]$')
plt.text(0.1,3.5,'Zona de tall')
plt.axhline(y=0.3, color='green')
plt.axvline(x=0.80, color='red')
plt.text(1.9,3.5,'Zona activa')
plt.axvline(x=3.3, color='red')
plt.text(4,3.5,'Zona de saturació')
plt.axhline(y=4.9, color='green')

Circuits de conmutació. El multivibrador astable.#

Podem aprofitar que la càrrega i descarrega d’un condensador no és instantània, ja que depèn de la resistència per la qual agafa o deixa anar electrons, per retardar el canvi tall / saturació del transistor. Apareix així un temps característic \(\tau = R C\).

Un circuit típic que aprofita aquest recurs és el multivibrador astable [Guz10] :

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 <iframe src="https://www.falstad.com/circuit/circuitjs.html?ctz=CQAgjCAMB0l3BWEAOaAmZYCcB2BzkcBmLUhJBSECqhAUwFowwAoAd3DDRABZkQ0kfnyjsBQ3vwzD+kMdMkgiyHorkAnTtxHNuYHADYoSohvEzz4Q8bCRBLTQpEL9Rqrfublqkd6tulewBjLX9LV2MYeEgwfgYYHhiyAzQcNCwwIgMcHChYGJYQvwiXayoo+FilaGzyHgNkBBwsfFrVCtYOYus-NETRABcBAgEEI16xmxAGImgMykaeMCX8HEgiXISeBFsUwRxYsAQMcDgQABM6ADMAQwBXABsB+QkSkbRJuQ5So0EpT5YQz+oyMuhBUxgBhWRCWyBhGRIbhqKihPByBgymEwejOl1uj2eHDBETBfXKLAASqERFC1MZ+khynkECwAOahVJ6LhKSDtUTs3ppJQqHl8uQAD3ACCwAm5sSoaCOvHARgAwqxJUR9LKiCYpGAjKoDSBVWgWJLGgIDO5ILk0AZdUajABFDVKLAK6W8bn27QqkDOs2JXXYbjAtB9AT9dxoAD6HwMscgsaWdljCCT0DAsaY8djXFjRBYwYEQuBplUZJs2YTSZTHnTmZ4OZr+ezRZLREE4BORGOKqZyHzGDrqbjGYSLbzQ4763APCNJxJ1uMOGHQ+TY8bMGzubja6LAHtwLraYbIKQUNAVBeEFqI7ysIRZPkYsYcSADCwgA" width="800" height="600"></iframe>

Productes comercials#

Un transistor molt utilitzat és el BC337

Per a aprofundir#

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from IPython.display import YouTubeVideo
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from IPython.display import YouTubeVideo
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from IPython.display import YouTubeVideo